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WriterStats Changelog
Patch 4.0.4 - 27/08/2024
Deleting a session now makes you lose the XP you gained for the session's length.
Achieving but then unachieving a goal makes you lose the XP you gained for the goal.
Fixed a bug relating to events that prevented them from being used in some circumstances.
Fixed a broken error message for /session manual.
Patch 4.0.3 - 02/08/2024
Allowed for ties in group session leaderboards.
Fixed a bug for leaderboards with more than 10 members.
Allowed same to work as a starting count when you use change to submit your final wordcount.
Patched a problem with patron preferences.
Patch 4.0.2 - 17/07/2024
Added /patron preferences to allow patrons to toggle their experience multiplier.
/patron preferences view
/patron preferences toggle
Patch 4.0.1 - 13/07/2024
Removed ability to edit a session's length to an invalid value, such as zero.
Fixed chain sessions breaking due to a problem with spectators.
Fixed chain sessions not working correctly when operating with other instances.
Fixed /session manual and /wrote sending an incorrect info message when a session length of zero is entered.
Added in logic for the new supporter tier.
Removed ability to schedule an event for an invalid time.
Restored ability to safely push updates to WriterStats.
Patched the lite commands /noproject and /setproject.
Version 4.0.0 - 05/07/2024
Unified WriterStats, WriterStats Lite and WriterStats Instances to all function under one codebase. They will now share a changelog.
Added experience, levelling, writing streaks and other core features that help keep you writing!
Added a lot of commands, shown in the field below.
Modified a lot of commands, which have been ommited from the changelog due to a large rewrite and refactor being undertaken.
All round improvements to the bot, both visually and functionally!
Renamed some commands to be consistent with the new version 3.0 scheme.
/preset create individual
/preset create group
/preset create chain
/project set active
/project set name
/project set deadline
/project noactive
/challenge create
/challenge info
/challenge cancel
/reminders subscribe
/reminders view
/reminders unsubscribe
/generate prompt
/generate quote
/project setactive
/project rename
/project none
Version 3.1.0 - 24/04/2024
Added a built-in announcement and updates system to alert users in the case of downtime, new updates and more!
Implemented several behind the scenes systems to manage multiple instances of WriterStats.
Fixed bugs in webhook management for sessions.
/updates subscribe
/updates unsubscribe
/updates view
Patch 3.0.3 - 21/01/2024
Fixed goal name on goals view accomplished message.
Added seperators for project wordcount in project list.
Patch 3.0.2 - 18/01/2024
Fixed fixed-length session presets.
Fixed preset editing.
Added warning if bot does not have webhook permissions when starting a session.
Patch 3.0.1 - 16/01/2024
Fixed ability to run group sessions in threads
Fixed /session cancel bug, where you can cancel any group session if you are in a session.
Added writing speed to session-by-session statistics embeds and the /session complete embed.
Version 3.0.0 - 15/01/2024
Added a lot of commands, shown in the field below.
Modified a lot of commands, which have been ommited from the changelog due to a complete rewrite being undertaken.
All round improvements to the bot, both visually and functionally!
Renamed some commands to be consistent with the new version 3.0 scheme.
/session preset
/session switch
/presets create
/presets delete
/presets view
/presets edit
/notifications subscribe
/notifications unsubscribe
/notifications view
/project set
/project reset
/project list
/tag create
/tag delete
/tag rename
/tag apply
/tag remove
/tag list
/server roles
/server settings
/channel updatenickname
/project day
/project week
/project month
/project setgoal
/project setcount
Version 2.7.0 - 16/08/2023
Created the Early Access category of commands for early access to features!
Added /choose to allow you to pick between two options. (Early Access)
Added /flip and /roll to flip a coin and roll a dice. (Early Access)
Added /define to fetch the definition for any English word. (Early Access)
Added /generate to help you generate names for your next project! (Early Access)
Modified the help select placeholder to provide more information.
Version 2.6.0 - 25/06/2023
Added /importdata writerbot to import your data from Writer-bot!
Patch 2.5.1 - 20/06/2023
/session group now checks for permissions in specific channel before starting to prevent errors.
Custom dynamic status support has been added to show number of servers and number of users in WriterStats' status.
Updated update pending message for creating new sessions to include prompt to join support server and to try again later.
/session group
/session individual
Version 2.5.0 - 17/06/2023
Added /secrets, a patron-only command to view hidden WriterStats features!
Added infrastructure to store the server of each session. This is in preparation for future server-related commands.
Added /day statistics commands to view statistics for a specified day.
Added /project day statistics commands to view statistics for a project for a specified day.
Created the "Patrons" category for patron-only commands!
/between is no longer project-specific.
Modified profile user command to show up as "View Writer Profile" in the apps menu.
/week and /project week now accept the standard date options.
Added /discord to get a link to the support server.
Added /ping to view the bot's response latency.
Updated /support to display the latest patron benefits.
/day today
/day yesterday
/day find
/project day today
/project day yesterday
/project day find
/week find
/project week find
Patch 2.4.1 - 12/06/2023
Session start embeds now display the correct starting wordcount if both a project and starting wordcount have been set.
/session join
/session group
/session individual
Version 2.4.0 - 09/06/2023
You can now run sessions without an active project!
You can now specify an alternate starting wordcount when creating/joining a session. This overrides your current project wordcount for calculating the net change, but doesn't directly affect it.
/week and /month commands now display user statistics instead of statistics for your current project.
/project week and /project month have been added, allowing you to see the statistics for your active project.
Project names now have a maximum length of 50 characters.
You can now delete past sessions with /session delete and edit them with /session edit!
You can now view details of a past session with /session view.
/quickstart and /guide have been modified to be up to date with the new project system.
Updated MaskdDev Docs to reflect the new changes.
/help now has a slightly modified format to accomodate the new commands and subcommand groups.
/project week
/project month
/project none
/session edit
/session delete
/session view
/session group
/session individual
/session join
Patch 2.3.2 - 06/06/2023
WriterStats prevents you from starting a group session without the bot having the appropriate permissions.
Patch 2.3.1 - 23/05/2023
Fixed poor wording in session start embed.
/session manual now accepts minutes by default and has a variety of other options for the date and time fields.
/session group
/session manual
Version 2.3.0 - 19/05/2023
Two new options for random times: Medium and Chaos! The mininum length of a long random session has switched from 20 minutes to 40 minutes.
Group session leaderboards now display spectators and people who didn't submit a wordcount.
Group session leaderboards are now sent once the final member has submitted their wordcount.
Group session leaderboards ALSO now display the top 10, including people who didn't submit a wordcount!
Guide embed now displaying embed 5.
/support now displays perks of becoming a member!
Changelog now uses "-" instead of "#" to prepare for markdown.
/session individual
/session group
Patch 2.2.2 - 19/05/2023
New stats option: Number of Users
Added backend tools to safely push updates without interrupting sessions.
Patch 2.2.1 - 19/05/2023
/goals history is now working.
/session individual and /session group no longer send messages twice, under very specific circumstances.
Changelog for 2.2.0 now included in changelog.
Version 2.2.0 - 17/05/2023
Group sessions now have a configurable wait time for results.
Projects can now be renamed using the /project rename
Bot Invite Link removed from /help
and replaced with the documentation link.
Version 2.1.0 - 11/05/2023
Group session embeds only update BEFORE the session has started.
Patrons are now distinguishable in WriterStats.
Patrons now have a purple profile colour, with a tag showing how long they've been supporting WriterStats!
/between: Patron-only command to get your writing stats between any two dates.
Patch 2.0.1 - 07/05/2023
Fixed /settimezone showing 12:XX AM instead of 12:XX PM when setting a timezone.
/session manual no longer updates your project wordcount.
Maintenance mode has been added to stop the creation of new sessions and allow current users to finish their sessions before an update.
/session individual
/session group
/session manual
Version 2.0.0 - 06/05/2023
Added a lot of commands, shown in the field below.
Renamed commands to be consistent with the new version 2.0 scheme.
/preferences view
/preferences toggle
/project setcount
/project setgoal
/project info
/session individual
/session group
/session join
/session spectate
/session leave
/session info
/goals set
/goals remove
/goals view
/goals history
/channel stats
/month current
/month last
/month find
/week current
/week last
/week find
/session complete
/session cancel
/session manual
/session start
Version 1.3.0 - 24/04/2023
Renamed /stats and /changelog to /bot stats and /bot changelog to avoid confusion with other commands.
Fixed bug where commands weren't showing up to non-moderators.
Added a prompt to remind users to use the DD/MM/YYYY format in /session manual, if date is entered incorrectly.
/bot stats
/bot changelog
Version 1.2.0 - 24/04/2023
Added the /support command to allow users to support the bot and its development.
Patch 1.1.1 - 18/04/2023
Patched bot not responding when creating a new session in a new week.
Fixed error handling for /session manual
Version 1.1.0 - 15/04/2023
Added option to load previous sessions into a project!
Improved readability and UI of statistics menus.
Version 1.0.0 - 15/04/2023
Added base functionality. See added commands for more info.
/project new
/project setactive
/project delete
/session start
/session cancel
/session complete